Thanks to our design office and all our partners, we are able to offer a wide range of services in digitalization, design, digitalization and 3D scanning:

CAD The modeling, preparation and digitalization phase
To convert an idea from your project into a file ready to be printed in 3D, to be in digitaliization phase, several steps are necessary: Creation or recovery of a 3D model, Export in STL format, Recovery and preparation of the file, Slicing the STL file, Export to the printer.
For this there is a wide range of software more or less complex, suitable for your different projects.
At Erpro Group, for a quotation related to digitalization, you are first asked for a 3D file (or if not a plan, or sketch side), the quantity of desired parts, the type of finish, the desired techno and possibly the constraints (temperature, pressure, accuracy …).
We operate 3D files of STL, IGS, STEP, CATIA V4 or CATIA V5 types. For any other type of file, please contact us.