Erpro Group specializes in 3D printing, the manufacture of prototypes, pre-series and mass production. Our 3D printing office service has provided you with a full range of services for additive manufacturing and the finishing of your projects since 1997. We master the various 3D printing technologies as well as machining, silicone molding, RIM molding, rotational molding, plastic injection, paint finishing and chrome painting.

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Our services
The Group offers the printing of your project on more than a hundred different machines. In addition to our 3D printing service, we also offer our machining and molding services.

From Idea to Project
From design to post-production, our experienced team masters the complete process for the realization of your 3D printing project. Parametric design, Topological Optimization, Metal coating or Paint finish, discover all our services.
An additive offer for all sectors
Erpro Group offers a varied offer for the automotive, aeronautics, medical, cosmetics, architecture, industry, design and luxury sectors.